Saturday, April 9, 2011

110410 Hyuna's twitter update (translated)

Hyuna's twitter update

새벽부터 미안해요 움하하핫!!심심할때찍었던건데ㅜㅜ 같ㅇㅣ웃어요우리♥♥♥♥ㅎㅎ~~!!!!이건좀 아닌것같은데.....=_=;;앗 모르겠당 뿅!

I'm sorry that I'm doing this so early in the morning hahaha!! I took these pictures when I was boredㅜㅜ Let's laugh together♥♥♥♥ㅎㅎ~~!!!! It wasn't supposed to be like this.....=_=;; Ah whatever. Poof!
Click on the pictures for full size

Translation by 4MF_Tweets on twitter

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